Angry Birds Space, the highly anticipated sequel to the globally renowned Angry Birds, takes players on an interstellar adventure across multiple planets. With over 300 star-studded levels, the game promises hours of fun and frustration in equal measure.
Key Features:
300+ Intergalactic Levels: Explore diverse galaxies, from icy planets to fiery ones, each filled with challenging puzzles and hilarious mayhem.
New Feathered Friends: Discover unique birds with special abilities, adding a whole new dimension to the classic gameplay.
Zero-Gravity Fun: Experience the thrill of flinging birds in low-gravity environments, mastering new physics for spectacular trick shots.
Planetary Power-Ups: Utilize the gravitational pull of planets to strategically launch your birds and send those pesky pigs flying.
Uncover Hidden Rewards: Seek out secret bonus levels for additional challenges and avian mayhem.
Daily Challenges: Keep the fun fresh with daily missions that test your skills and keep you hooked.
Gorgeous Graphics: Immerse yourself in stunning backgrounds and detailed animations that bring the Angry Birds universe to life.